Goodbye WorWic.


As I mentioned, Alec's last day at WorWic was this past Thursday. He has been going there since the fall of 2006 and they have been instrumental in our growth as a nut-allergic family in the last 3 years. To say thank you for all they have done for Alec and for us, I made a scrapbook for them. The book has 30 pages, most all laid out the same way. I had it printed at VioVio as a 6x9 soft-cover book. It was a huge hit and when we were done saying our goodbye's we were all in tears.

(under your watchful and caring eyes, I have had a 1st day)

(under your watchful and caring eyes, I have gone on field trips)

(under your watchful and caring eyes, I have been thankful)

(Alec Awards)

If you want to see the whole book you can download the .pdf here. View it using Adobe Acrobat Reader with continuous pages selected. This was such a fun project and VioVio did a great job printing.


Anonymous,  June 18, 2009 at 11:41 PM  

Excellent post. We will definitely miss Wor-wic. They were instrumental in enabling us all to grow as it relates to our comfort level in trusting others with Alec's nut allergy and in general. Thank you!

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