3 Arms.


Averill and I were having a conversation about a new blog I found. A girl who has multiple food allergies and is anaphylactic to nuts, potato's, and fish (whew, I know!). Her blog is a compilation of situations she has been in and managed, specifically around dining out, parties, and pot-lucks with her food allergies. I was telling Averill about some of her dining experiences when Alec piped in...

very concerned he asked, "but mama, does she have three arms?"

"ummm", I thought. "nope, I think she has the requisite two, why sweetie?"

confused, Alec says, "but how does she wear three allergy [medical alert] bracelets?"

"Ahhh" we laugh, "yes, she has three allergies, but she probably has them all listed on one bracelet"

what a smart cookie.


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