My Wife.


A: "Mama, did you know they grow rice in Asia?"

L: "They do, you are right."

A: "But, Mama, how do we get there?"

L: "An airplane"

A: "But it costs a hundred million dollars"

L: "Well, yes, it is expensive to fly to Asia. How did you learn about Asia? At school?"

A: "Nope, from that guy."

L: "Err, what guy?"

A: "You know, that guy who pays for our house and my toys... you know mama, your wife."

enough said :)


Station 16.


Last week B and I took the boys to the park and then an impromptu field trip to the Salisbury Fire house. The Firemen were so welcoming. They let the boys sit up in the trucks, look around, and they happily answered our constant barrage of questions. Alec's favorite thing... the fire boat!


You be a Human.



"Daddy, you be a human and I will be a doctor."

(Oh, the comments are so plentiful)


Out of his Mouth.


As a kid, I remember picking up the obligatory Readers Digest that was always available at whatever doctors office, auto shop, or random waiting room we were in. Every time I would flip to that section that listed funny and embarrassing things children said and I would crack up. After Alec was born I remember thinking about that column and wondering if he would do that - say really funny, strange, or totally embarrassing things. And, would I even notice, hear or remember them? Well my friends, it is happening, we are noticing, remembering, and it is just getting more funny as we go!

It started on March 17th while we were sitting the Charlotte airport waiting to board our flight. We were coming home from our trip to Florida. As you know, we spent the week with Jeff and Laurie - a very pregnant Laurie. Off and on through the week we had discussions with Alec about the baby growing in Laurie's tummy. Well, while we were sitting in that airport a man walked up next to us to look out the window at the airplanes. Alec looks over at him, notices his very pronounced and perfectly round beer-belly, points to him and says to everyone within ear shot...

"Mommy look! He has a baby growing in his belly just like Laurie!"

I stood in shocked silence - mouth hanging open, while Averill turned around attempting to curtail his laughter. The man, clearly exercising his dignity, or maybe just had kids himself and understood this stage, turned, looked at Alec and just walked away without saying a word.

We just about died.


“Do or do not... there is no try.”


“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.” Yoda

(if only my Jedi skills were as good as my photoshop skills)

Alec is in love with Star Wars. So far we have watched Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Episode IV: A New Home (aka the original Star Wars), and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. I am not sure if better movies were ever made. He wants a light saber so badly and will almost never answer to Alec anymore - "Mama, I am NOT Alec, I am Obi One Kenobi!"


Biddie Love.


This week was the WorWic annual field trip to Beechnut Dairy Farm. It is kind of a funny place, all the workers are very strict and really not what you would call a "warm and fuzzy" bunch. Either way, many of the schools and daycare's within what seems like a 50 mile radius come to this place in the spring. There are baby cows, tractors, a cow milking demonstration, and Alec's favorite... biddies. He would stand here all day if he could and hold the little chicks. Last year when we did this field trip it was the same thing, he loved the little fuzzy chicks.

(the biggest smile of the day)

(being hauled around by his little friend)

(attempting to feed the cow hay)


Mummies and Sharks and Dinousars, OH MY!


Alec has been listening to the Magic Tree House books on CD for a while now. They are beginner chapter books with 6-10 short chapters. Each one is not only a cute story of a brother/sister pair that have adventures but they are also fairly historically accurate. Two of his favorites are "Mummies in the Morning" and "Dinosaurs before Dawn". So, last week we took Alec to the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History to check out the mummies and dinosaurs. He really enjoyed it.

Mummies are now his favorite thing to draw. See them all on my mother's day card? Ave asked him where their hands and legs are, he responded with "Dadddddy, they are all wrapped up in fabric". Ha, see, he did learn something.


Mothers Day.


Averill and I have a lot of mom's around us. Our own, our friends, the ones that come into our lives and take the role of Mom, our sisters, and those that may not be our birth sisters but are in our heart. Mom's rock, you give us strength, love, hope, and a swift kick in the pants when we need it. Happy Mother's Day to all those wonderful and amazing mom's we know, enjoy this day, you deserve it.

A Poem emailed to me from my own mom...

Before I was a Mom,

I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,

I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,

I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,

I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.

I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,

I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,

I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom ...


The Jedi Knights have been busy.


You know, concurring the Universe, fighting the Sith Lords, taming the wookies. We will get back to posting when the death star is finally defeated.

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