Summer Bingo Starts!
Well summer is here full force in the Anderson house. We are well into our second week with no school, no need to be anywhere at any hour, and no pool to go to until this weekend. And, on top of it Alec was sick for the first week so running and strenuous exercise has been out.
It is an adjustment.
This is the first summer since Alec was two that I had him every day all day. The last three summers he was at WorWic for at least two mornings a week. As I said, it is an adjustment. Alec is a non-stop, willing helper so to keep Alec occupied and engaged we are doing a couple of things this summer. The first is Summer Bingo (thanks to Stacey Julian). The premise is that every week he gets a new card, tickets for each bingo, and then he can exchange his tickets for "stuff".As you can see, he dove in full force. He is collecting his tickets to exchange for lego set (20 tickets).
In addition to the bingo card we created a summer notebook. In it has school worksheets, craft projects, games, and all the summer reading program information booklets. So far he has been very into both. Every morning he has taken out his book and picked out things to do.I know it is only a bit into the summer but hopefully this will provide a bit of incentive for those "Mama I am bored" moments.