Earth Day attempts - Nut Video?


It is pouring here right now - total bummer. I have these grand plans of making a composting barrel and doing lots of spring flower plantings for Earth Day. Maybe if the rain slows we can still get on with our composting. Until then, enjoy this 5 minute (totally unrelated) video of nut allergy's.


The Worlds Largest Supply Chain.


In the spirit of Earth Day and since I am talking about supply chain in class, here is a quick video to illustrate the largest one of all:



Dentist & the Peanut Allergic.


Yes, you read that right - that a peanut allergy impacts us even at the dentist. After talking to the dentist and hygenist and confirming that all the stuff going into his mouth was safe (there are some toothpastes that use nut oils) we had a great trip. Alec actually loved it and has asked multiple times if we will take him back. He was so good and easy about it all that they even took bite-wing x-rays which they normally don't attempt until kids are 6 years old.

All was good, no cavaties, no gum problems, and the tooth spacing is good for when the adult teeth come in. Woohoo! A kid who likes the dentist, hard to believe but in our case, very true!


Nothing Says Easter Like Philadelphia!


We spent our Easter weekend in Philadelphia with Diane. One of Alec's favorite things to do at her house is to watch out the "secret door" for criminals.

Her block was supposed to be having a party but it was pouring. Instead, we spent the day exploring the Please Touch Museum, which is AMAZING. This was our second time visiting and it did not disappoint. It has moved into a newer, much larger building with some of the old favorites. Alec's being the grocery store just his size. It was so much fun to watch all the kids play and cooperate like they had years of training. There were some new additions like a large building area and this kid-operated digger.
And, of course, there was the standard Diane goofiness.
We got home late Sunday just in time for our own little celebration with the basket the Easter Bunny left behind.


Easter Pizza Shortbread Cookies?


Easter started a bit early in our house. Today we made Easter Pizza Shortbread Cookies. Which, until we started, Alec was a bit unsure that this would be as good as promised. As with any good pizza we started with a nice "sauce"...
added our toppings...

then gave it a taste. Woohoo, that was delicious!

Then just as we were finishing cleaning the kitchen the mail lady stopped by with a package for Alec. A basket from Grammy and Grandpa! Alec was beside himself...

He was so excited, there was some chalk and a magnifying glass that we promptly took outside to use for "exploring". A scientist on our hands? I suppose it would not be a surprise given our family.

There was also a new Lego set in the basket. Wow, this boy could not be happier. What good grandparents to send a basket with toys - you guys ROCK!
Since our long weekend of fun has already started, Happy Easter to you all, enjoy your family time.


The Last day of Florida


Our last day in Florida was mixture of relaxation and excitement with the underlying twist of sadness that our fantastic vacation was coming to an end. In the morning we got up and went to Downtown Disney where we did a bit of shopping. The highlight was the gigantic Lego store. Just outside there were these huge statutes made entirely of Legos - very impressive.

After we were done shopping we went back to our house where we met up with two of our most favorite people ever - Blair and Cem.

Alec then got to do his most anticipated event of the week...

That's right, Alec's favorite car is a Corvette and when he found out that Blair and Cem were bringing theirs for him to ride in - OH WOW, the anticipation was almost more that he could handle. Look at that, he can hardly see over the dash and he was still grinning from ear to ear. Ave and Alec took turns riding and Ave even got to drive for a bit. The last time I went for a ride there was a bit of police action involved (thanks Cem) so this time I passed.

We are bummed our vacation is over but so happy that we got to go at all. Talk of moving to Florida has just about dominated our conversations since we have been back. We have even spent some time house and job shopping. Maybe, maybe, this time next year, we will be doing our vacations here on the eastern shore instead of the other way around.

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