Park #3: Gaterland


Gaterland was just what you would imagine - loaded with alligators, crocodiles, turtles, snakes, birds, and even some spiders.

There were big ones

little ones

unusual ones
There was gator wrasslin'
and even a small water park where the kids could drench each other. Alec, of course, liked this part best of all

The best part of this park was that we met my Aunt and Cousin there, two people who we get to see very little of. After the park we all went back to our house and got to visit, swim, and relax for the rest of the evening. We even came up with the grand "Williams Compound" plan. Bill, we are counting on you for that property in Sonoma!

After dinner we got a very cool surprise. From our front lawn we could see the space shuttle take off, separate from its rockets, and fly off into the darkening sky. It was like a huge ball of fire - amazing.

Next up, our last day in Florida...


We Interrupt this Broadcast...

3/28/09 introduce our newest allergen. Jibbitz as Alec is calling her. We are in a "trial period" to make sure she is not going to induce full-on asthma.
She is a lab-boxer cross. Webbed feet and ears like a lab but has the bowed-leg, wide chest of a boxer and the docked tail that unfortunately was done before the Humane Society got her.

Mr. Bojangles is totally unimpressed probably because he is currently much bigger. The other cats, VERY nervous.

I know I said Gatorland was up next and I promise, it will be.


Park #2: Epcot


Our intent was to go back to The Magic Kingdom for a second day but instead opted for Epcot. We didn't even make it back into the worlds because there was so much to see in the front area.

We visited with Nemo, participated in Turtle Talk with Crush, and watched a pool of sting rays...

There was a waste management section with a real truck and these little recycling carts that Alec loved. For a kid fascinated with garbage and who swears he is going to be a garbage man this was super fun for him.

Before lunch we ran through some ground sprinklers...

Then it was up into the big dome for Spaceship Earth where we learned about our technology history and made some funny pictures...

We watched our second 4D movie of the trip, "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" which I have to say was much scarier than the unbelievable "Mickeys Philharmagic" in The Magic Kingdom.

And lastly, we rode the highlight of both parks combined. The GM Test Track. You get in this little car where they run you through a series of auto "tests"(and, yes, I know that is not us in the car). Brakes, steering, and hot and cold chambers are all checked out in a herky-jerky roller coaster like ride. Then they test your acceleration by launching you into a set of large wooden doors that open just at the last minute then propel you outside onto a circular track where you hit a maximum speed of 65 mph. For this family of daredevils - we all loved it. Alec rode in the front with Grandpa and Grammy and had an ear to ear grin on his face the entire ride. Averill and I are so looking forward to years of roller coaster riding ahead of us!

Next up... Gatorland!


Day 2: Florida


The second full day in Florida bought us some time at our house to just enjoy the amazing pool and company. My Dad and Moe came to spend three days with us so we got to catch up and relax.

This day was again a constant reminder of the awesome peeps in our life. My Dad has this relaxed-don't worry-you are doing fine - the choice will come kind of attitude which is really good for two people who tend to spend most of our decision making time in "analysis paralysis". When ever we get caught between the move, take the BIG trip, move, school, move, get a dog decisions he is a great one to call on. And Moe, intense, fun and a woman who lives and breathes protectiveness and loyalty, when someone is wronging you - she is the one to talk to. She will stand by your side and fight to the death with you - just exactly what you need when you need a good bitch session!

Alec's favorite thing to do on this trip: swim.

Epcot up next...


Park #1: Magic Kingdom


The Magic Kingdom really is a happy place!

Our trip was shared with Jeff, Laurie, and Alice, a family we are very accustomed to traveling with. In our hay-day (before kids that is) we traveled a lot together. They are easy to be with, fun, and share a lot of our idea's and values about life. I do some real thinking when I am with them. Laurie reads like I do and there are always big book discussions - everything from philosophy to parenting to politics. Mostly though, they are old friends that we miss dearly, we always have fun with them, and there is a certain air of peace that Jeff and Laurie share. Ave and I always leave them wishing we had a big ol' chunk of that for ourselves.

Dumbo was the first ride we went on and in by Alec's standards one of the best...

The Tomorrow Land Race Track, these two crazy drivers kept smacking into the back of Ave and I

$10.00, ten dollar, TEN DOLLAR balloon that supposedly lasts for three weeks. We could tell you if that is true except that you can't take a balloon that big on a darn airplane. Yes, I know, probably something we should have thought about first.

more to come...


Sneek Peek.


More coming but as I get my thoughts (and photos) in order I thought I would give you a little peek...




We are here and having a blast! More to come later in the week....


The last vestiges of winter


pictures taken 3/5/09


52 Blessings Week 9: Lego's


In February of last year we took the Lego Road Construction set with us to Florida. That was Alec's first set of the small Lego's and as you can see, he was much more interested in stacking them on Grandpa's head than actually building anything with them. When we got back home we stuck the bag of Lego's into the Rainy Day Box and forgot about them.

Fast forward to about a month ago when Alec spotted them during one of our forages through the box. It only took that one day and that one small set of Lego's for all of us to be hooked. We now play non-stop and Alec even picked out a set to give Averill for his birthday.

Even though most of the little building sets come in packages designed to make something specific we have managed to by-pass the directions and venture out into our own building imagination. We have made everything from...


to fishing cabins (notice the circling alligators)

to almost every kind of vehicle possible...

Lego's truly are an inspired toy.


Not quite a blizzard but good enough.


A week and a half before Florida, the first week of March - we get (for the eastern shore) a bunch of powdery white snow. I wish it would do this until the morning we leave.

icicle swords...

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