Park #1: Magic Kingdom


The Magic Kingdom really is a happy place!

Our trip was shared with Jeff, Laurie, and Alice, a family we are very accustomed to traveling with. In our hay-day (before kids that is) we traveled a lot together. They are easy to be with, fun, and share a lot of our idea's and values about life. I do some real thinking when I am with them. Laurie reads like I do and there are always big book discussions - everything from philosophy to parenting to politics. Mostly though, they are old friends that we miss dearly, we always have fun with them, and there is a certain air of peace that Jeff and Laurie share. Ave and I always leave them wishing we had a big ol' chunk of that for ourselves.

Dumbo was the first ride we went on and in by Alec's standards one of the best...

The Tomorrow Land Race Track, these two crazy drivers kept smacking into the back of Ave and I

$10.00, ten dollar, TEN DOLLAR balloon that supposedly lasts for three weeks. We could tell you if that is true except that you can't take a balloon that big on a darn airplane. Yes, I know, probably something we should have thought about first.

more to come...


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