52 Blessings Week 9: Lego's


In February of last year we took the Lego Road Construction set with us to Florida. That was Alec's first set of the small Lego's and as you can see, he was much more interested in stacking them on Grandpa's head than actually building anything with them. When we got back home we stuck the bag of Lego's into the Rainy Day Box and forgot about them.

Fast forward to about a month ago when Alec spotted them during one of our forages through the box. It only took that one day and that one small set of Lego's for all of us to be hooked. We now play non-stop and Alec even picked out a set to give Averill for his birthday.

Even though most of the little building sets come in packages designed to make something specific we have managed to by-pass the directions and venture out into our own building imagination. We have made everything from...


to fishing cabins (notice the circling alligators)

to almost every kind of vehicle possible...

Lego's truly are an inspired toy.


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