The Shultute.


This was so fun to make, easy, and packed a big punch. I intend on doing this every year at the start of school.

We started by rolling two sheets of poster board into a cone. Then we cut off the pointed top and decorated it with various stickers, glitter glue, and markers.

You can see, Averill really got into it. We then stuffed in everything I had collected for Alec for the start of school.

The cone contained...
Batman Crocs
Stainless Steel water bottle
Star Wars Undies
The word cards I made this summer
a YoYo
a Batman folder
a crayon roll that I sewed this summer
and lastly, 2 backpack tags that we made out of shrinky dink paper

Here it is all stuffed in.
A little green tissue paper to close it up

and the kid loved it!


Naen,  September 25, 2009 at 8:55 AM  

I guesss he DID love it - Christmas come early!!! Great job, and it looks like as much fun to put together as a Christmas stocking.

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