Before and After the door.


Most of you will remember that back in the day (a year and a few months) we had a door that led into the kitchen. When we remodeled our kitchen said door was removed and plywood placed in the hole. That plywood along with a lovely sheet of plastic covering it has been up there now for over a year.

You see, our house has aluminum siding that is old enough that it is no longer made. So replacing the siding would take a lot of money and would consist of, at the very least, replacing and repainting all the siding on the back side of the house.

So, we decided to get creative. Some thicker plywood, sealer and a few supplies from the hardware store turned this....

Into this...

Clearly there is some growth that has to take place but once the vines grow up and around the lattice I think it will look pretty darn pretty. And, oh so much cheaper!


Naen,  September 5, 2009 at 11:55 AM  

Amazing!!! Who'da thunk it! This is a true testimony to HGTV and your ingenuity. Is the kitchen finished yet?

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