Silly string, slip-n-slide, and magic wands?
What does silly string a slip-n-slide and magic wands all have in common? My day with the boys. Alec and his buddy together for a couple of hours on a ridiculously hot July morning.
We started with the silly string which was surprisingly hard to get out of the containers. Neither got any in the face or eyes so I consider it a success.
We moved on to the slip-n-slide, which is just plain fun. No one got hurt so I consider it a big success.
We finished off with what I was calling magic fairy wands. I cut a dowel in half and drilled a hole in it. The boys helped thread some strips of fabric through all while I was telling them about the magic fairy dust I had sprinkled on them. In about 10 seconds of use they declared that I was incorrect, they were NOT fairy wands but WHIPS instead. No one got whipped or hit with the dowel. I consider this a huge success.
Ahhh, all that running around in the 90 degree heat and 100% humidity means a nice cold drink from the hose.Yumm, what a great time.
An all-American summer day - what fun!
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