Disney Countdown.


We are in full Florida countdown mode. Since our Christmas Advent calendar was such a hit we decided to do another in preparation for Disney.

Each day Alec gets a countdown bag that contains some little object to prepare for our trip. Some coloring pages right from the Disney site, stickers depicting Disney characters, a movie from Netflix here and there, and sometimes just a little note with some fun activity we can all do together. As we get closer we will start adding things for him to bring with us like a beach ball for the pool, an autograph book for the park, an age specific map of the Magic Kingdom (printed right from the Disney site) etc. And in the last bag (he will open the morning we fly out) we will include a little set of airplane supplies: gum, a coloring book, a movie for the plane, and a variety of other things he can do while we are in the air.

He is so excited every morning to get his "Disney Pocket" and really, this is just as much fun for Ave and I :)


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