Pizza Please.

In Alec’s kindergarten class they have been learning about money and the value of the various coins in our monetary system: penny, nickel, dime and quarters; then how to count the money. We have been loosely giving Alec an allowance of $3/week over the past few months so he could buy the small things he wants, and to begin appreciating the value of saving up his money for the items he wants. He has a bank for savings, and a bank for checking if you will. We advise him to take $1 of the $3 to go in his savings, and keep the remaining $2 in his checking bank. This applies whenever he gets a monetary gift or if he chooses to sell any of his toys to put a small amount in the savings. Since this is Alec’s money, he can buy pretty much whatever he wants. He had saved up about $30 and was craving some Papa John’s Pizza for dinner one night, so Laura and I told him, since we had not planned on eating out tonight, if he wants pizza, he has to buy it himself; and so he did. As seen in the photo, Alec purchased his first Papa John’s pizza and insisted that we all eat it for dinner. He was very proud of himself for providing dinner for the family himself. In addition to the experience/practice of counting the money for the pizza and counting the change back from the $11 he gave the cashier ($10.60 - thanks Papa Johns for the $10 deals), Alec also learned the value of contributing towards the daily dinner process. Nice work Alec!
Nice work, Alec AND nice work Laura & Averill! What good parenting!
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