This week: Choose


Last year instead of making a new years resolution Ave and I decided on a word instead. My word for 2009 was Purge and I have to say, it was way better than just making idol resolutions. All throughout the year I kept purge in the back of my head calling on it much more often that I had really anticipated. I liked having a word driving, influencing, everything in the background much better than a check off list of accomplishments. It seemed less of a "have too" and more of a friendly shove. This year, while I could very easily just recycle purge because honestly, there is a depth to that word that I have not yet explored, I am choosing another. Can you guess? Yes, Choose is the word for 2010.

Averill and I like everything around us to be right. In our heads there is always the right choice, the right way to do something. And really, so much of the time we will refrain from decision making (I know, I am putting it mildly) if we can't make the right choice. Analysis Paralysis as we so affectionately call it. So this year, 2010, we are just going to choose. No more waiting for the right thing, no more holding off decisions for years because we don't really know if it is the "right choice". This year Choose is the word.

What about you? This is your first installment of the Andersilliams Happiness Project, are you participating? What is your 2010 word?

an unrelated picture, here is our little NYE crew


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