Craft Project Answers...


Project #1: Alec's Christmas Shoppe. He is immensely proud of this and will spend much time working in it, decorating it, and telling me all about it!
Project #2: These are little gifts (really more of a thank-you) for each of the kids and teachers at Asbury. They are stuffed with... yes, you guessed it! A pack of Lifesavers :)

Project #3 and 3 1/2: Alec is a wiseman in the kindergarten nativity play on Thursday and we had to make a crown and a robe for him. Thank goodness for homedepot drop-cloths! I am sure you will see more of this after Thursday.

Project #4: The ever famous gingerbread houses. This year we invited G'ma Yoni over and ended up creating an entire village.

Alec loved it...
And there was much sillyness...

The end result however is beautiful and truly a feast for the eyes!


Naen,  December 16, 2009 at 8:12 AM  

Oh, wondertful! Love ALL the crafts & can't wait to see the nativity play! We especially like Alec's Christmas Shoppe...

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