Welcome Back.


Wow, it has been a while since we posted with any regularity. We are still busy adjusting to the rigors of getting up and out of the house every day of the week. It has been a solid 5+ years that I have had to make sure that I am up, showered, dressed, and coffee'd before 8am and clearly I am slow to remember that archaic skill-set. And, since Alec is in school across town only until noon I have been dropping him off and just going to my office to work on grading and class preparation. Then, when I pick him up we have a 2 hour social time on the playground. While I have never been so caught up with my classes, at home no laundry gets done, no cleaning gets done, and most importantly no blog posting is getting done.

Today however may mark the change of all that...in blog posting at least. Today, Alec stayed for his first all-day (9-3pm). Most importantly in our world that means HE STAYS FOR LUNCH. I have to say, even though we had some initial struggle with the school administration they have really come around. I feel totally comfortable now that he is safe and the teacher is and will be prepared for managing lunch. And, the parents at this school totally rock - they have all gone way out of their way to make sure Alec is taken care of. I can't imagine a better kindergarten experience for both Alec and I. Assuming today goes well and he enjoys staying we might make it a weekly or bi-weekly event. Whereupon, I might actually be able to get something done around here.


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