Purge is the word.


New Years Eve 2008 seems like as good a time as any to reflect on the year past and consider what this next one will hold.

One of the many New Year projects flying around on the blogosphere is to choose a word to guide your year instead of a list of resolutions. I instantly knew what it was for me: Purge.

Purge the excess sugar, fat, and body weight
Purge the grumpiness
Purge the clutter
Purge the bad habits
Purge the excess purchases
Purge the obligations
Purge the unfinished projects

Get out from under this oppressive blanket of too much and purge. What about yours? Do you have a word that pops to mind?


Anonymous,  December 31, 2008 at 11:15 PM  

Achieve - That's my word:

to achieve renewed health through the replacement of both knees and then increasd exercise for renewed vigor; this will allow me to strengthen my core back muscles, which should decrease back pain;

to achieve the successful solicitation of a top agent and to get my two completed novels in manuscript published by a large house in New York. It's more than time for The Big Time for my writing career;

to achieve, through unrelenting devotion, to always love my dear four adult children and my sweet grand babies, no matter what else I do.

Happy New Year . . . !

Mom Mignon

Anonymous,  January 4, 2009 at 8:59 PM  

to have energy to do daily house chores
to have energy to keep up with 2 very active toddlers
to have energy to sustain a good marriage
to have energy to maintain friendships
to have energy to be productive at work
to have energy to keep up with my hobbies

wow...this is like therapy! :)
Kristen G.

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